Thursday, February 08, 2007

It's A Freakin Winter Wonderland Out There

This will be a mostly visual post. Thought some of you might like to see what you are missing out on here in Oswego.

I'm still recovering from orals and looking a little crazed, but it is a tired, happy crazed.

Sorry about the blurry photo, but I had to rest the camera on the front porch railing in the wind on a time delay to get this picture. That is Washington Park behind me. Can you recognize it?

View out the landing between the 1st and 2nd floors.

The back porch is buried.


Kate C. said...

Wow! This morning alone, I saw Oswego on CNN and heard about it on NPR. NBC has pictures from Fulton and Mexico--Al Roker, proud Oswego graduate, how could you let that happen!

jody said...

I just got an email from someone I haven't been in touch with for 15 years - why - Oswego in the news!

Great pics, I want to play in the snow.