Monday, November 12, 2007

Day of Funk

I am in a funk today. I know I disappeared for the weekend and left you in the dark about Weese's recovery so I will just assure you that she is fine. She was wide awake when I picked her up at the vet and while there was a slight recovery period in which she wobbled around the bedroom, she was quickly over it and demanding wet food as her right after dental work.

I fell asleep with Weese though so I didn't make it to the blog that day. On Saturday one of my jobs, the yarn store, told me that they had decided to restructure and hire a full time manager before Christmas and that meant they had to let me go, before Christmas. This was frustrating. Today they asked me to write up a primer for all the Excel spreadsheets and inventories I had put together for them because no one else in the store knows how to use Excel. I was instructed to start the directions with instructions on how to open Excel. This was also frustrating. They noted I seemed angry. Really, did I? I wasn't so much angry as frustrated and stressed about losing a job right before Christmas. Hiring a full-time manager is the right business decision for them, but coming as it does before Christmas, for me, well frustrating.

Luckily my friend Marcy and I usually run on Monday evenings. It was extremely windy, cold, and wet outside. We went for a beer instead. I feel better. And despite the tanking economy and my fear that even when I finish this degree it will not matter because I won't be able to find a job in a depressed economy and it will be a choice between starving and freezing to death because of rising gas prices, it will somehow work out. Maybe all these lousy job experiences will only be fodder for some essays, a la David Sedaris. Let us only hope.

Here are some Weese photos.

Weese was mad!

She tried to walk it off.

Staying low to the ground turned out to be a better plan.

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