Sunday, October 09, 2005

Nola Lives

I threw all logic to the wind and just got a new puppy. Nola turnes nine weeks today and we are getting along wonderfully. Nola, named after New Orleans Louisiana, is a weimraner. I joked that I got him because he matches Capers, grey hair and blue eyes. I want to be like Martha Stewart and have my pets match. In reality I have always loved weimraners and he will hopefully be a great running partner. He is a smaller male so will most likely not get bigger then 85 pounds.

I got him from a breeder in Houston who is working actively on taking down Tom Delay, so Nola is a democrat from birth, so no training needed on that front.

He is of course smart and actually kind of serious. He does have a weird tendency to pick up rocks and then carry them around in his mouth before dropping them at my feet. He is already instinctively "pointing" like a great hunting dog.

Capers seems indifferent to him, probably because he still controls all of the furniture including my bed and the fact that I bought him tons of new toys and his very own bed.

Here are some pictures, I will certainly be posting many more as he grows.


jody said...

Nola is adorable. Kym told me that he would be arriving soon- it is wonderful to see him. What pretty eyes.

Kate C. said...

What a cutie. I wish he could come to New York with you in Novemeber.