On Saturday, Michael Harney of Harney and Sons tea gave a talk about tea, and oversaw a tea tasting, to a standing room only crowd. Did you know tea bags are filled with dust left over from processing the loose tea? I didn't. We also visited the two microbreweries in town. By far the better one was Coopers Cave Ale Company. The store sells beer out one door (with free tastings) and ice cream out of the other; soon the owners are opening a pub out back.
On Sunday, we went to the Roosevelt Baths in Saratoga Springs, where we "took the waters." I had no idea those mineral water spas still existed in the area. The water's color may make it look unappealing in this picture, but it was completely relaxing experience.
Kate, you were 5 minutes from our house at the baths! And Will bought some Xmas presents at Red Fox--it's near his office. Agree w/you about Cooper's Cave. Next time, call!
Carrie Curvin
Hi Carrie! I thought of you guys when I was there. It was a whirlwind trip, but we are going up again this summer and will certainly let you know. Maybe we can go to the new Cooper's Cave pub. Will should introduce himself to Suzy and Naftali next time he goes into the store--they know my cousin works at the paper and actually asked someone else who writes for it if he "was Kate Culkin's cousin." And got a very confused look in return.
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