Sunday, July 30, 2006

Friends in LA

Calvin and I spent 5 days in LA after Comic-Con, taking the train up the coast from San Diego. I have a love-hate relationship with Amtrak, due in part to many hours spent stuck between Albany and Schnectady in snowy weather. This was a great ride- they have much nicer (double decker) trains in California.

We stayed with our friends Susan Avallone and Carr D'Angelo. They own a comics shop, and are also movie people. They couldn't have been more generous with their wonderful home (and guesthouse, where we stayed).

I met Susan and Carr three years ago right after Calvin and I got married. Susan and I bonded instantly. I was really happy to get to hang out with them for a more extended visit.

Susan and Carr had a party for Calvin to celebrate his award on our last night there. Calvin's brother Chris came with his wife Kimberly. Chris was very funny, Kimberly was very charming, it was great to see them.

View from Train.

Carr and Susan.


View from guesthouse balcony.

It was really hot when we first arrived in LA.

Calvin interviewed Carr and his partner Jud Meyers at their store.

Yes, I really loved the pool.

Kimberly and Chris.

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