Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Photographer

I have an article in PW Comics Week about a wonderful, haunting new graphic novel by Emmanuel Guibert called The Photographer: Into War-Torn Afghanistan with Doctors Without Borders . It is about the experience of a French photojournalist who went to Afghanistan in the 1980s with DWB. The volume, which was an enormous hit in France, includes Guibert's illustrations and Didier Lefèvre's images. Fair warning: it is one of those stories that makes you feel completely lame for ever complaining about your own life.


Trish said...

Great article, Kate -- I really want to read this. Juxtaposing the photos with the comics panels looks to be a great way to tell the real story of Afghanistan. It's nice to see the commitment of First Second and Doctors Without Borders too.

jody said...

Great article, I have seen the book and it loos really great.