Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Smart Borders Blog

I just finished interviewing the blogger behind the Smart Borders Blog for my dissertation. It was a great interview, both helpful, and for a change, hopeful. As most of you know, the news is not always good concerning the border wall. Construction continues and Congress seems intent on continuing to fund it. So far the Obama administration has not lived up to the hopes of immigration activists and in general the news has been bleak. It can be hard not to get discouraged. But Matthew Paul Webster is a voice in the darkness and someone I am happy to have fighting on the side of immigrants and border communities. He remains ever hopeful that people are inherently good and inherently teachable, that these issues can eventually be solved through education and the fostering of human relationships. Check out his blog. You won't be sorry.


Trish said...

Thanks, Kim -- this is impressive -- both the content and the writing. I'll follow from now on.

Trish said...

Thanks, Kim -- this is impressive -- both the content and the writing. I'll follow from now on.