Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Global Warming Awareness at BCC

Today, I took one of my classes to a "Teach In" about Global Warming Awareness and Action at BCC. I learned about two interesting groups. One is Greenworker, which is "dedicated to creating worker owned and environmentally friends businesses in the South Bronx." The organization's first business is a basically Home Depot for used supplies--from tubs and sinks to hard wood floors. A woman for the New York City Apollo Alliance also spoke. The Alliance's motto is "Good Jobs and Energy Independence." It is great that these groups are trying to improve the environment and the economy of New York--too often labor issues are pitted against environmental ones. It is also important to inject the issue of class into the discussion of environmentalism, as the less money you have the more likely you are to live in a toxic environment and the fewer resources you will have to change it. As the man from Greenworker said, "The message from an Inconvenient Truth is that we are all screwed. What it didn't say is that some of us are screwed more than others."

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