Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Beginning of the End

Tom DeLay announced his resignation this morning. I got a call at 7:30 from one of my Republican friends from school calling to congratulate me. It was a great wake up call. I have said this before but I do believe that we are seeing the end of this type of Republican and certainly the crumbling of this administration. Sadly it came to late for the election and the only thing better then DeLay resigning would have been seeing him get crushed in November but I refuse to hear anything negative today. In fact I like to think that DeLay resingned as an early birthday present for me and Eric and perhaps I should send him a card. He is even leaving Texas! What a great day for Texas and what a great day for Democrats! Everyone should have a toast to commemorate this joyous occasion after work, give me a call I will be celebrating all day.

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