Sunday, April 30, 2006

Marches in New York

Yesterday there was a march and rally against the Iraq War in New York that ended up downtown by all the courthouses (a familiar site from many Law and Order reruns). I missed the march, but showed up at Foley Square, just long enough to get on the videotape (this is actually Calvin's line).

It was a glorious spring day, it hasn't gotten hot here yet. As you can see from the pictures, New York seems to be enjoying a 60's style renaissance- I guess that's what you'd expect at a peace march.

As I was walking home through Chinatown, I ran into another march- this one was for Buddha's birthday. Acrobats, lions, dragons, and many monks and nuns paraded through the street often performing to a musical accompaniment. Happy Birthday Buddha!

1 comment:

jay lassiter said...

terrific colorful shots. thanks for sharing.