Thursday, April 20, 2006

Still still working--but almost done

Somewhat to my shock, I am still trying to get the manuscript out. I think I terrified my co-worker yesterday when he came in to pick up some books and I was swearing at the computer. But the end is in sight--I am about to print out the table of contents and take the whole thing to Kinkos. I was going to take a picture of it to post here, but sadly my beloved Elph seems to have died.

Endah Dow Cheney, a reformer who was friends with Harriet Jacobs, wrote an an obituary of Jacobs in the Woman's Journal which was published May 1897. She gives a touching description of Harriet's funeral, writing, "A few friends gathered in the little rooms. The old Episcopal minister read the service, and Mr. Grimke made a few remarks which, while being a tribute to her worth and useful life, were in good taste, and there was no jar to any one’s feelings. “Nearer, my God, to Thee” and “Lead, Kindly Light” were sung without any instrumental accompaniment. The voices were sweet and mellow, and it was tender and fitting. Harriet looked not more than sixty years old. The sweet brow was free from all traces of suffering. Some violets were about her in the coffin, and ascension lilies and palm leaves on it. They were typical of her old-fashioned piety and her faith in the good Lord. The body was brought hither and laid in Mt. Auburn."

Cheney also expresses the hope that Jacobs will be remembered, stating, "It is not fitting that a life so noble, so remarkable and so instructive, should pass away without some record of this admirable character and this interesting story." She later adds, "Harriet’s book called “Linda,” which gives the record of her early life, written about the year 1858, and published in 1861, is now out of the market. It should be carefully preserved in our libraries, for it is a wonderful record of the suffering and heroism of those never to be forgotten days." I'm sure Ednah, wherever she is, will be happy today.

1 comment:

jody said...

It is great that Harriet's life has been documented so thoroughly in your manuscript. I want to read it when it comes out. Congratulations, I hope you will be finished today.