Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Biggest Bean Bag in the World

Matt and I went to dinner at another professor's house a few weeks ago and after dinner when we were all sitting around the guy whose house it was brought out a beanbag and a husband and laid down on the floor with them. Now this might sound weird and like a bizarre decorating choice, but it looked extremely comfortable to me and like the perfect reading set-up. It turns out that is what he bought them for. Now, I am constantly trying to read on the floor but if I am on my back the book quickly feels too heavy to continue holding above my head and if I am resting on my stomach my arms and wrists eventually rebel. It is a real problem, particularly when one is studying for Orals and trying to get comfortable, a difficult enough prospect as it is.

The next weekend Matt and I went on a quest for a husband and a beanbag. We figured it would take a trip to Target and we could get on to enjoying the day. 5 box stores later, yes, that's right, 5 box stores, we were still defeated. Now how we managed to hit that many box stores and not get in a huge screaming public fight is still a mystery, but we did. Eventually we found a choice of faux suede and leather husbands but still no beanbags. Turns out both are seasonal items; only college students moving into dorm rooms require such things, or so we figured out in a Culkinesque death-march event. I went home with my maroon faux suede husband and prepared to wait for the back-to-school stocking of the stores to complete my search for that great American contribution to furniture, the beanbag.

But thanks to my wonderful sister, September came early this year. I drove out to the UPS center to pick up a mysterious package from Molly, and was greeted with one of the biggest boxes I have ever seen. I had to unpack it in the parking lot because the box wouldn't fit into my car. I tried. Out came the biggest beanbag I have ever seen, really. I had to shove it into my back seat and spread it out as wide as possible so that I could see out the rear window. It is a wonderful thing. Thank you Molly. Orals can be nothing but successful now with the power of the beanbag behind me. It is even sueded corduroy to match my sueded husband.

This is the beanbag with the aforementioned husband.

Weese wasn't sure what to think.

So she decided to clean off the scent of the bean bag before passing judgement.

Then it was just all too much and belly had to be shown. Belly solves all. I give her a day before she claims the beanbag as her own and sheds all over it.

In the meantime, I am posting while sitting on my glorious beanbag. Molly, you are awesome.


Kate C. said...

Beanbags are wonderful pieces of furniture. I had wondered why it was so difficult to find them.

Sarah said...

Kate and I grew up watching TV on beanbags in the Olympic room. They have majical powers; I should have thought of them when studying for Boards last year.