Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Clean House

I have recently become obssessed with organizing and cleaning my house. I gues it is because I don't have any time to do that during school and also because I have been watching episodes of Clean House, a show on the style network. There is a similar show on TLC called Clean Sweep, but I prefer the host of Clean House.

I recently stayed up late just to finish going through old paperwork and organize it all in folders. Most recently I decided to get rid of old magazines. Considering that I have a backlog of magazines from the past semester that I haven't even touched I figured I didn't need Runner's World from May 2004.

The sad thing is that I moved all these old magazines with me from DC. I guess I thought Law school would be so boring that I would have to read a Health issue from 9 months ago, that I had already read. I didn't throw them away, I donated them and a few books to the library's used book store. So they are in good hands.

Here is a sampling of what I gave away.


Sarah said...

You are welcome to come and organize our house anytime. We still have DVDs and CDs in cardboard boxes that we rummage through every once in a while. We have piles of papers, and journals, and mags etc. I just can't seem to get on top of the clutter. Oh well. I think it is inherited.

Sarah said...

You are welcome to come and organize our house anytime. We still have DVDs and CDs in cardboard boxes that we rummage through every once in a while. We have piles of papers, and journals, and mags etc. I just can't seem to get on top of the clutter. Oh well. I think it is inherited.