Sunday, December 04, 2005

You can't be grumpy on Tiger Mountain

Yesterday, Neilson and I went to the Bronx Zoo. Apparently I had been there as a baby, but I certainly hadn't visited anytime within memory. It was great day--sunny and cold, meaning not a lot of people were there. I'm always a little conflicted about zoos, as it stikes me as horrible that the animals are caged up, but it is so cool to see them up close. The Bronx Zoo seems better than a lot of places, especially as the New York City zoos are run by the Wildlife Conservation Society, which works around the globe to encourage conservation of wild life areas and the preservation of endagered species.

The highlight for me was Tiger Mountain, where Siberian Tigers walk around separated from their audience only by a (very thick) pane of glass (or some transparent material). We were lucky enough to be there during an "enrichment time," when a zoo keeper fed two of the female tigers through a wire fence. Neilson got some great pictures of the action.

I was especially thrilled that the tigers, like me, were born in May. The "tree hugger" below was even named Taurus.

Another highlight for me was the bears. In general, I agree with Stephen Colbert, but I part ways with him on his vendetta against bears. They are such beautiful powerful creatures. The brisk weather made the polar bear frisky and friendly.

The grizzy bear, however, still found a spot of sun in which to nap.

Acceptance of bears must be a family trait. One wandered into my grandparent's yard last summer, where it found a relatively friendly greeting. See the Finger Lakes Times article for a full report.


Sarah said...

Anders is very excited by the pictures of the tigers and bears. He once again is telling me that he not only wants but needs to come to NYC to see all his relatives and friends. He said he knows about cats but didn't know that they could be so big!

Molly said...

I worked as a keeper for three years at the New Orleans Zoo and I can say with certainty that no matter how long I am involved in the insanity of politics my best stories will always be from that time. After finals I will write a couple of them down for the blog.