Friday, September 23, 2005

My not so secret addiction.

I have spent many, many hours playing a video game called Katamari Damacy. The point of the game is to roll up as many objects as possible lying around earth into a big clump during a "time trial". Your clump is then judged by an abusive father figure- if it is big enough, it is sent into the heavens as a star or other heavenly body. If it's too small, you get plenty of verbal abuse from above (Dad is very big).

I have become an evangelist for this game, trying to get all my friends and family to play. I am not always pleasant when I am in this mode.

Version 2 of this game, called We Love Katamari, has just been released. I have been trying to buy it for a few days, getting somewhat puzzled looks from the gamers working at the local store (I guess I'm not a typical customer). Why don't they have it yet? I hope to get it by tonight!

Link to the Japanese Trailer for Katamari Damacy

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